Why I’m Running For Office

Hello Y’all! Some exciting news–I am running for the Maine House of Representatives in District 88, which includes Jefferson, Whitefield, Chelsea, and part of my hometown–Nobleboro.

I grew up on my family’s farm in Nobleboro. For as long as I can remember, I have loved this place more than anything and knew that I would devote my life to it–to the land and the people. When I was twelve, I became a climate organizer, working to build movements that can push our politicians to stand up for my generation and all those impacted by the climate crisis in Maine and beyond. I went to Lincoln Academy where I started the Climate Action Club and worked with students, teachers, community members, and business owners in our community. Later, I went to Harvard College and co-founded Divest Harvard, a campaign calling on Harvard University to divest from fossil fuels that ultimately drew 70,000 supporters. After I graduated in 2015, I moved back to Maine to build my life here and continue organizing.

I am running for one simple reason: because I love our home, and I love our community. I know that so many people feel the same way. This campaign is about the fact that we care about where we live. I am also running because we need more young people in office. For my whole life, I have seen our political system fail me and all my friends–young and old. We need politicians who will fight for young people, for our aging neighbors, for farmers, fishermen, and all those who love Maine and believe in a better future. Lastly, as a graduate of Emerge Maine, I am very excited to join a growing movement of women in Maine who are running for office.

Lincoln County is the largest (by population) rural county in the country and has the oldest population of any county in the nation. The challenges that we face here are unique. We need to ensure that our communities support our aging family members while laying a foundation for young people to build their futures here. This campaign is about standing for everyone. It’s about making sure that we increase affordability and accessibility to in-home care while fostering new creative businesses and investing in our schools. It’s about building communities that are resilient and regenerative in the face of climate change, supporting reliable renewable energy, and ensuring that our local economies will flourish.

The core team behind this campaign is made up of young people all under 26 years old. We’re going to create a fun, lively, engaging, and inspiring campaign that we hope you will join!

Please go here to volunteer: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfoXU7vmDTOB2Z3sLANWhAKPSH0UBtr45q-IpZ6RB-q5t74xg/viewform?usp=sf_link

And sign up here to join our newsletter! http://eepurl.com/dl0crX

Reach out with any questions or ideas: chloeforrep@gmail.com